Publications and Research Reports:

NSF FINAL REPORT: An Inquiry-Based Simulation Learning Environment for the Ecology of Forest Growth. Submitted to NSF April 2003. Tom Murray, Larry Winship, Neil Stillings, Esther Shartar, Ayala Galton, Ryan Moore, Roger Bellin.
[ full report -- 80 page PDF] [ Executuve Summary -- 5 page PDF]

MERLOT (Multimedia Resrouce for Education and On-line Learning) review of SimForest (Five stars!)

Classroom Strategies for Simulation-Based Collaborative Inquiry Learning. Murray, T. (2004). (Exteneded version) Proceedings of ICLS-2004, San Mateo, June, 2004. [MSWord]

Evaluation of the SimForest Inquiry Learning Environment: Inquiry Cycles and Collaborative Teaching Practices . Murray, T., Winship, L., & Stillings, N. (2004). Presented at AERA, April 2004, San Diego. [PDF]

Toward Characterizing Best-Practice Pedagogy for Inquiry in Simulation-Based Leaning Environments. Proceedings of Cognitive Science. Murray, T., Winship, L. , Stillings, N. (2003). July, 2003, Boston, MA.

Measuring Inquiry Cycles in Simulation-Based Leaning Environments. Murray, T., Winship, L. , Stillings, N. (2003). Proceedings of Cognitive Science, July, 2003, Boston, MA.

Toward Glass Box Educational Simulations: Reifying Models for Inspection and Design. AIED-2001 workshop: External Representations in AIED. (extended version)
Tom Murray, Larry Winship, Roger Bellin, Matt Cornell (2001). [MSWord]

A Inquiry-Based Simulation Learning Environment for the Ecology of Forest Growth. NSF Grant Proposal. [HTML] [MSWord]

Writing an Inquiry Based Curriculum for Forest Ecology that Uses a Computer Simuation of Forest Dynamics as a Tool for Learning. Esther Shartar's Senior Thesis. [MSWord]

Scientific Inquiry What is it? -- by Ester Shartar

SimForest Poster (1 meg PDF file)

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Grant Support & Funding Provided By:

Hampshire College
The National Science Foundation

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 9972486. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.