SimForest Project: Lesson Planning Form

Teacher name:

Lesson name:

Estimated lesson time:

Target student audience:

Frameworks reference (version and item):


Objectives/intended learning outcomes (student will know ....or be able to....)

A. Content knowledge:




B. Inquiry Cycle Skills: Learning objective (Y / N)? Scaffolded (N / Y & how?)

(0. Observation skills)

1. Question/Hypothesis generation

2. Planning/designing investigation

3. Collect data/perform experiment

4. Data analysis

5. Concluding

6. Reporting/Presenting

(7. Reflecting)

C. Other process skills (e.g. creativity, cooperation, self-monitoring)



Prerequisite (or assumed) knowledge, skills, experiences, or lessons:




Materials needed:





Class management, group structure and instructional strategy notes/tips:





SimForest Project: Lesson Planning Form (page 2)

How to present the activity/task (including introducing/motivating it):





Rubrics, procedures, data forms, etc. to scaffold/structure students (attach if appropriate):





What will students produce or create as an output?





How will you assess learning:





Miscellaneous notes:







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Grant Support & Funding Provided By:

Hampshire College
The National Science Foundation

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 9972486. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.