Student Worksheet For
Inquiry Learning Cycle and Reflection



  1. Restatement of teacher assigned exploration (What has the teacher asked you to investigate?) or
  2. Individually determined exploration (What have you decided to investigate and why?)





1. Give detailed explanation:






  • Stated Hypothesis or Prediction (What do you think you will find out?)



  • 2. Give detailed explanation:






  • A. What is your plan? What are you going to do? List each step.





  • 3B. What data (information) will you collect and how will you collect it?

    3A. Give detailed explanation:





    3B. Give detailed explanation:



  • A. What did you conclude after you completed your investigation?
  • B. What evidence or reasons do you have for this conclusion?






    4A. Give detailed explanation:









    4B. Give detailed explanation:

  • Reflection: is talking or thinking about what you have done. Now talk to some of your classmates about your findings. You may change any or add information to any of the above Give detailed explanations after talking to your classmates if you want. Was it useful talking to your classmates about your investigation and conclusions? Why?





  • 5. Give detailed explanation: Circle Yes or No

    Now explain why you answered either yes or no.








    6. How and to whom are you going to present you findings?








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    Grant Support & Funding Provided By:

    Hampshire College
    The National Science Foundation

    This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 9972486. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.