Student Pre/Post Assesment Instructions

The tests are available from the SimForest web site.

There are three similar verions of the test, with the Fish, Worms,
and Flower problems. Most teachers will give the test three times.
One as close to just before using SimForest as is convenient.  One
as close to after finishing with SimForest lessons as is convenient.
 The third test is given at the start of the semester, unless the
SimForest lessons are in the first 4 or 5 weeks of the semester, in
which case the third test is given near the end of the semester.

Ordering of the three versions of the test for each teacher:

Peter:  Fish, Worms, Flowers

Karen:  Flowers, Fish, Worms

Susan and Dierdre:  Flowers, Worms, Fish

Pam and Patti:
One of them is doing: Worms, Fish, Flowers
The other is doing:  Flowers, Worms, Fish

Cindy:  Fish, Flowers, Worms

Jeff:  Worms, Flowers, Fish

Administering the Forest Worm-Fish-Flower Assessments

o Briefly tell the students that you want them to fill this out. One teacher mentioned that it's good practice for the MCAS.

o First time, tell them that they will be doing this again. Other times, tell them that it's more practice.

o Tell them that they will get credit (points, etc.) for careful completion, but will not be graded for right or wrong answers. They should think over and answer every question.

o Answer any informational questions that they raise. E.g. If a student asks Do you really want me to make up data, you could say yes, you should just make up data that agrees with your prediction.

o Do not coach or teach during the administration. So, if a student asks how to go about answering a question, just say Do the best job you can.